Casa Adelante / 2060 Folsom

San Francisco, CA


Multi-Family, Affordable


Adjacent to a new public park at the corner of 17th and Folsom Streets in San Francisco, 2060 Folsom will provide affordable housing for 127 families, and include a ground floor childcare facility and other neighborhood community support services. The design features a public promenade along the Southern edge opening to the park, providing a “front porch” and allowing the building to engage the community. The building is designed as two separate wings connected by an eight story bridge that serves as a backdrop to the communal open space.


Architect/ Landscape Architect: Mithun

Associate Architect: Y.A. Studio

Client: Chinatown CDC & MEDA

Civil Engineer: Luk & Associates

MEP & Lighting: Integral Group

Acoustical Engineer: Charles M. Salter

Associates – Sustainability: AEA

Structural Engineer: Structus Inc.

Photos: Bruce Diamonte